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长滩 Downtown






Curriculum: History

Department Address 
1299 E. 第32圣.
信号山, CA 90755

(562) 997-8000 x.2900

History/社会 科学 教材采用

Recommended Secondary History/社会 科学 教科书 and Materials

New secondary history/social science textbooks and support materials recommended for adoption and purchase by the 长滩 Unified School. The 教育委员会 is scheduled to hear recommendations and consider adoption at the April 13, 2022年的会议. 

All instructional materials are being recommended after extensive review and examination by committees of 长滩 Unified School District teachers and administrators, using the State 教育委员会 criteria, focusing on alignment to the History/社会 科学 Standards for California Public 学校 and the California History/社会 科学 Framework. Consideration included content organization, 评估, integration of technology, universal access/strategies for working with diverse student populations, and instructional planning and teacher support, and alignment to district priorities. These textbooks are for core and elective courses in grade 6 through grade 12 listed below.


小学: History/社会 科学

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